Life Upgrade

Choose Your Life Upgrade

The original Life Upgrade course was designed to model Z-isms to put each chapter into action. Now that the Mindset Reset and WellBeing Reset courses represent their respective life enrichment concepts and techniques, the remaining content has been updated to offer course-takers modular options to improve their interactions, purpose and career pursuits.


Culminating with an Interpersonal Relationships Enhancement Plan, this interactions module comprises three sections, all based on their respective chapters from Z-isms: Insights to Live By.

The first section to “Be Aware of Spiders” is designed to avoid the pitfalls of interacting with manipulators by reducing and removing that toxicity from your life. This is essential to improve day-to-day Mood Health and reduce the stress and fallout of negativity.

Next, the “Elements in Motion” presents a life guidance model that has stood the test of time based on a specific experience Matt had that’s illustrated with a four-quadrant grid to distinguish Fire, Air, Earth and Water. Relying on this model to recognize your own traits as well as size others up will strengthen and enrich your interactions while also enabling you to deftly manage conflict in real time, among other things.

Naturally, the third section to “Swim with the Current” gives you the means to be in touch with your intuition and trust your gut. This will strengthen your abilities to make better decisions, help you recognize what encounters do and don’t work, improve romantic relationships and be more intentional in managing universal energy, including for manifestation purposes.


Just as the Mindset Reset Course serves to pinpoint your self-discovery, this module delves even deeper with techniques to discover your “why” and align your life’s purpose. In doing so, it then aims to accelerate achieving those goals by overcoming obstacles and harnessing your self-belief as the fuel that powers your inevitable success and fulfillment.

By living more intentionally, you will accept and love yourself more. Your purpose doesn’t have to be crystal clear to you. You can begin with guiding intentions. If your intention is to live a meaningful and healthy life, you will make decisions that support this intention, and feel good about yourself when you succeed. You’ll soon find that living your life by design rather than by default is exponentially enriching.


Is how you earn your income in alignment with your values and passion? Do you know how to secure the job you want? Whether you’re an emerging professional or a seasoned executive, you’ll find the insights and activities in this module will put you in the driver’s seat. Starting with the “Job Empowerment Technique,” you’ll learn a system that gives you seamless control of your career and Life Upgrade.

In addition to these techniques and templates are a complete set of career advancement tip sheets to: fine-tune your resume, cover letters and job search; improve your skills for networking and job interviews; sharpen your writing and phone etiquette; and, even cultivate the right mentors.

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